So I’m on the dreaded C bus last week. I hate that bus. It always has the craziest of the crazy people, the smelliest of the homeless, and the wheelchairs. Oh the wheel chairs! It’s like a constant flow of them on and off on and off. Do you know how long it takes for a wheel chair to load a bus?? Well if not, jump on the C and find out. Anyways, now that I have sufficiently ensured the fact that you all think I’m a horrible person, I will continue on with my story about a bus driver who was equally as horrible...but funny. She was definitely funny. So our bus said on its banner thing that it was going to “City Hall” yet at every stop, someone would inevitably ask if it was going all the way down Broad St. or if it was going to stop at City Hall. Now I know it said “City Hall” on the bus but I don’t think that it was that outrageous of a question. My bus driver, on the other hand, thought that these people were the total epitome of stupidity for asking this. By Girard, she had begun to respond to these people by screaming at them out the door, “Are you stupid!? It says City Hall! IF YOU CAN’T READ, YOU BETTA BE ABLE TA HEAR!” Hilarious. What does that even mean? So basically, all the way from Girard to City Hall, she drove past the bus stops, sometimes not even bothering to stop, yelling out the open door, “You people are so stupid!”
I am not sure what bus this is, but it's probably the C bus. It would run into a house.
I know exactly how you feel. I've gotten off a bus before b/c a wheelchair was getting on. I just said "fuck, I'll wait for the next one"