
Thursday, April 7, 2011

vintage hoffman. OHyes.

There are very few things I love more than watching pre-90's Dustin Hoffman films. He is everything you could ever want in a guy, even when he's dressed up like a girl. Each decade, he's had his landmark films. Everyone remembers him from The Graduate and Midnight Cowboy. They watched him in Kramer v. Kramer and as a drag queen that could give Tim Curry a run for his money in Tootsie. Even ten year old's would recognize him from those two unfortunate sequel films which I don't feel like discussing. But I would like to bring one of his lesser known films into the spotlight, Marathon Man (1976). Although the synopsis didn't do much for me, I agreed to watch it because one, I'm a sucker for anything aesthetically 70's and two, uh Dustin Hoffman. Duh.
Quick summary: Hoffman plays a Columbia grad student whose brother, played by Roy Scheider, works for the government and is currently tracking Lawrence Olivier who plays a Nazi trying to steal a shitload of diamonds. One thing leads to another and Dustin gets all caught up in it....
...Anyways, when this movie began, I expected that I would just sit around and bask in the simple joys of 1970's New York City grime, Dustin's perfect little running shorts and tight blue sweatshirt, and some good old fashioned Nazi hating. But instead, I was glued to the tv by a plot that wouldn't quit. Every time you thought you got it, something would throw you off again. As the film progressed, the dialogue dwindled and was replaced by an outstanding soundtrack that carried it through to its perfect conclusion. When it ended, all I could say was wow, that was randomly amazing. Who knew? This is in no means intended to be a review, but instead an acknowledgment of a great masterpiece that I think EVERYONE needs to go see, hence my vague-ness. (Side Note: It's on instant view on Netflix right now!!!)
I will now end this entry with a line that had to of exceeded the corny line by so far that it looped around and can be considered ironically cool, "It is definitely 'safe' to say that this movie won't let you down." (Watch the movie, you'll get it)
Regardless, vintage Hoffman at his finest :)
Also, you get to see his butt.

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